Thank you for being here!
Buzzbee Baby originated from the journey through parenthood and the desire to create a community of support for local mamas in need.
About Us
I believe you would be hard-pressed to find a baby brand that did not originate from the journey through parenthood; Buzzbee Baby is no different. During the summer of 2021, we welcomed our first babe into our life.
As many first-time mamas do, I made a list of all the things we would need for our babe. Even though we were fortunate enough to receive baby items and clothing second-hand, the list and costs were steep. Like so many others, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted our need and responsibility to shop local. We focused our efforts on putting our money back into our community wherever possible. Supporting local restaurants and grocers was easy but sourcing our baby needs was not always the case. I struggled with finding a local baby brand that carried their own products. Typically, the local stores I stumbled across had curated amazing mama-owned brands, but the brands were based in the United States.
Nonetheless, it was exciting to purchase every little outfit and item for my babe; marveling over fabrics and how could something possibly fit, let alone be too small, for some items. It truly is a magical, albeit frightening, time. How am I to keep this tiny thing alive?!
I reflected during the first few months of motherhood. I had much to be grateful for; the health of my babe and I, family and friends nearby to support and the means to provide for my babe. Yet I would be breastfeeding in the middle of the night with my husband snoring obliviously beside me and I would be so envious. It was my body that went through a traumatic event, yet there he is, getting a full night’s rest? Then I thought, what about the mamas with no partner? If it was a long night, I could fit in a nap during the day. What about the mamas without the luxury of maternity leave? I could not imagine the struggle, yet so many do.
I began researching local programs for single mothers that I could contribute to, but I wanted to do more; provide more and directly to the source, where possible. I knew many mamas like myself felt the need to assist but did not know how. I decided then to create a community where mamas could find quality, simple baby basics from a local supplier that would give back to local mamas in need.
So cheers to you! Thank you for joining our hive, believing in our products and relieving even the tiniest burden from a mama in need.
They say it takes a village, thank you for being a part of ours.